Monday, 23 September 2019

Top Books About Gambling

Even in such deal as gambling, books still are a good way to learn the principles of any game as well as playing it in practice. Moreover, this is a good way to improve the knowledge about gambling a person already has. There are several excellent books on the subject and the right choice can provide a person with the tools and instruments necessary to manage his play and bankroll, make better decisions about playing strategies which can improve his chances.
"The Compleat Gamester" by Charles Cotton
When "The Compleat Gamester" had been published a few decades before first serious mathematical theory explaining the probability of chance were printed, so gamblers just started realizing that mathematics could be used to predict the behaviors of chance. Gambling was considered as a business that can provide a guaranteed advantage. So this book shows a picture of gambling at a time when tips on cheating exceeded tips on odds, because the general idea of chance was considered a matter of providence.
"Scarne's Complete Guide to Gambling" by John Scarne
John Scarne was considered the world's front gambling authority and the greatest card magician until his death in 1985. This book discusses almost every aspect of gambling-from history, rules and winning strategies and a bit of gambling mathematics even to methods of cheating. There are also plenty of beguiling anecdotes and fun stories about gambling and gamblers.
"Roll the Bones" by David G. Schwartz
"Roll the Bones" of David Schwartz who was the director of the Center for Gaming Research at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas shows not only a history of gambling. The book is a full guide to the origins of dice, lotteries, playing cards and other gambling pastimes. It's filled with colorful pictures of the famous at their gaming-for example, Voltaire, winning nine million francs in the 18th-century lottery and Dostoevsky going broke at the casino at the German resort in Baden-Baden.
"The Biggest Game in Town" by Al Alvarez
Al Alvarez is an outstanding poet, author and literary. The story describes mad men willing to wager suitcases of money on single rolls of the dice, addicts refusing to believe that their luck is beyond their control, and losers who had never learned. Moreover, there is the gangster lost all his money at poker, left to rob a bank and returned to the game-and then lost his entire heist. During three weeks Alvarez spent covering the 1981 World Series of Poker for The New Yorker he gathered all material for his remarkable account. After that Alvarez says that Las Vegas is "a land of milk and honey, and for the rest it is a burial ground."
"Lay the Favorite" by Beth Raymer
In this very honest to be a true memoir, a reader can get a rare insight into the sports-gambling underworld, at its "pay and collect" agents, the buffoons, hustlers, fringe crooks and rogues of the trade. Beth Raymer states every addicted gambler to have a wish to lose. "And as for the rare professionals who are talented enough to beat the house, rest assured they will go to whatever lengths necessary to surround themselves with people who will lose their money for them."
However, it can be rather difficult as for new players so for experienced ones, to differ the good from the bad, the outlandish advice from the good one. A great book, written by a respected author, is sometimes the best way to learn more about any particular subject a person is interested in.


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